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Dates & durations

The date and duration types are convenient to establish time related business logic.

The call to the entry point succeeds if the contract was created more than 5 minutes and 10 seconds ago; the contract balance must be transferred to caller:

archetype time_window(const creation_date : date)

variable creation : date = creation_date

entry payback_after_period () {
require {
r1: now > creation + 5m10s
effect {
transfer balance to caller

We note that durations may be added or subtracted to dates, and can be compared.

There are several ways to initialize dates and durations:

var d : duration = 3w8d4h34m18s; (* 3 weeks 8 days 4 hours 34 minutes 18 seconds *)
var date0 : date = 2019-01-01; /* iso 8601 */
var date1 : date = 2019-01-01T01:02:03; /* iso 8601 */
var date2 : date = 2019-01-01T01:02:03Z; /* iso 8601 */
var date3 : date = 2019-01-01T00:00:00+01:00; /* iso 8601 */
var date4 : date = 2019-01-01T00:00:00-05:30; /* iso 8601 */


The following Completium CLI command deploys the contract on the Tezos network:

completium-cli deploy 4-time_window.arl --amount 5tz --parameters "{ \"creation_date\" : \"``date +%s`\" }"

Note here that the contract's balance is intialized to 5tz.

Call entry point

The following command calls the unique entry point:

completium-cli call 4-time_window --entry payback_after_period

If you try this command before valid timelapse of 5 minutes and 10 seconds, it returns an error displayed below:

$ completium-cli call 4-time_window --entry payback_after_period
Error from contract KT1HEH4Hff6Dq53PsoaX18wnkx1bVaPKnZGH (4-time_window):
failed at 41 with (Pair "INVALID_CONDITION" "r1")


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