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A raffle is a gambling game, where players buy tickets; a winning ticket is randomly picked and its owner gets the jackpot prize.

The Michelson language does not provide an instruction to generate a random number. We can't use the current date (value of now) as a source of randomness either. Indeed, bakers have some control on this value for the blocks they produce, and could therefore influence the result.


The source code of the raffle contract and the orresponding test scenario are available in this repository.

Picking the winning ticket

The winning ticket id is obtained as the remainder of the euclidean division of an arbitraly large number, called here the raffle key, by the number of ticket buyers, called here players. For example, if the raffle key is 2022, and the number of raffle players is 87, then the winning ticket id is 21 (typically the 21st ticket).

The constraint is that this raffle key must not be known by anyone, nor the players or even the admin. Indeed if someone knows in advance the raffle key, it is then possible to influence the outcome of the game by buying tickets until one of them is the winning one (there is only one ticket per address, but someone can have several addresses). As a consequence:

  • the raffle key cannot be simply stored in the contract.
  • the raffle key cannot be a secret that only the admin knows (for the reason above), and that the admin would pass to the contract when it is time to announce the winner. Indeed, the admin could disappear, and no winner would ever be announced.

For the admin not to be the only one to know the key, each player must possess a part of the key (called here partial key), such that the raffle key is the sum of each player's partial key. For the player's partial key not to be known by the other players, it must be cyphered by the player. When it comes to selecting the winning ticket, the user is required to reveal its key for the contract to compute the raffle key.

However, a player could influence the outcome by not revealing the partial key. It is then necessary that the encrypted partial key can be decrypted by anyone at some time. A reward is sent to the account that reveals a key.

The timelock encryption feature of the Michelson chest data type provides the required property: a timelocked value is encrypted strongly enough that even the most powerful computer will take more than a certain amount of time to crack it, but weakly enough that given a bit more time, any decent computer will manage to crack it. That is to say that, beyond a certain amount of time, the value may be considered public.

Raffle key chest

In this tutorial example, the chest time parameter imposed by the contract is 10000000.


Note that it's probably not a decent chest time value since it takes only 20s to break on a standard computer ...

Generate chest value

Player Alice's partial key is 123456, Player Jack's is 234567, and Player Bob is 345678.

To get the timelocked value, the value is first packed (turned into bytes) with the following tezos client command hash data:

$ tezos-client -E hash data '123456' of type nat

This is NOT the Tezos Mainnet.

Do NOT use your fundraiser keys on this network.

Raw packed data: 0x050080890f

We then use the Completium timelock-utils tool to timelock the packed data:

$ time ./timelock-utils --lock --data 050080890f --time 10000000
./timelock-utils --lock --data 050080890f --time 10000000 0.10s user 0.02s system 97% cpu 0.126 total

The timelock encryption generates a chest value, and the key to unlock it.


In the test scenario, Bob generates the chest value with the wrong time value 10000001. As a result, the call to reveal removes Bob as a player.

Crack chest

The following command is used to compute the chest key (ie. crack chest):

$ time ./timelock-utils --create-chest-key --chest 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 --time 10000000
./timelock-utils --create-chest-key --chest --time 10000000 19.45s user 0.03s system 99% cpu 19.491 total

Raffle storage

The contract is originated with the following parameters:

  • owner is the address of the contract administrator
  • jackpot is the prize in tez
  • ticket_price is the price in tez of a ticket
archetype raffle(
owner : address,
jackpot : tez,
ticket_price : tez)


The contract holds:

  • a state with 3 possible values:
    • Created is the initial state during which tickets cannot be bought yet
    • Initialised is the state when the administrator initialises the raffle
    • Transferred is the state when prize has been transferred to the winner
states =
| Created initial
| Initialised
| Transferred
  • the open date beyond which tickets can be bought, initialized to none
  • the date beyond which tickets cannot be bought, initialized to none
variable open_buy      : option<date> = none
variable close_buy : option<date> = none

The schema below illustrates the periods defined by these dates, and the contract's states:

Raffle schemaRaffle schema


The contract also holds:

  • the reveal fee, initialized to none:
variable reveal_fee : option<rational> = none
  • the time used to generate the timelocked value of the raffle key (it should be high enough to be compliant with the close date), initialized to none:
variable chest_time : option<nat> = none
  • a collection that will contain the addresses of all players and their raffle key:
asset player {
id : address;
locked_raffle_key : chest; (* partial key *)
revealed : bool = false;
  • the raffle key, updated when a player's partial key is revealed:
variable raffle_key  : nat = 0



The initialise entrypoint is called by the contract admin (called "owner") to set the main raffle parameters:

  • open buy is the date beyond which players can buy ticket
  • close buy is the date beyond which players cannot buy ticket
  • chest time is the difficulty to break players' partial raffle key encryption
  • reveal fee the pourcentage of ticket price transferred when revealing a player's raffle key

Currently you may count from a chest time of 500 000 per second on a standard computer, to a chest time value of 500 000 000 per second on dedicated hardware.

It requires that:

  • the open and close dates be consistent
  • the reveal fee be equal to or less than 1
  • the transferred amount of tez be equal to the jackpot storage value

It transitions from Created state to Initialised, and sets the raffle parameters.

transition initialise(ob : date, cb : date, t : nat, rf : rational) {
called by owner
require {
r0 : now <= ob < cb otherwise "INVALID_OPEN_CLOSE_BUY";
r2 : rf <= 1 otherwise "INVALID_REVEAL_FEE";
r3 : transferred = jackpot otherwise "INVALID_AMOUNT"
from Created to Initialised
with effect {
open_buy := some(ob);
close_buy := some(cb);
chest_time := some(t);
reveal_fee := some(rf)


The buy entrypoint may be called by anyone to buy a ticket. The player must transfer the encrypted value of the partial raffle key, so that the partial key value may be potentially publically known when it comes to declaring the winner ticket.

It requires that:

  • the contract be in Initialised state
  • the transferred amount of tez be equal to the ticket price
  • the close date not be reached

It records the caller's address in the player collection.

entry buy (lrk : chest) {
state is Initialised
require {
r4 : transferred = ticket_price otherwise "INVALID_TICKET_PRICE";
r5 : opt_get(open_buy) < now < opt_get(close_buy) otherwise "RAFFLE_CLOSED"
effect { player.add({ id = caller; locked_raffle_key = lrk }) }

Note that the add method fails with (Pair "KeyExists" "player") if the caller is already in the collection.


The reveal entry point may be called by anyone to reveal a player's partial key and contribute to the computation of the raffle key. The caller receives a percentage of the ticket price as a reward.

It requires that:

  • the contract be in Initialised state
  • the date is valid is beyond close_buy
entry reveal(addr : address, k : chest_key) {
state is Initialised
require {
r6 : opt_get(close_buy) < now otherwise "RAFFLE_OPEN";
r7 : not player[addr].revealed otherwise "PLAYER_ALREADY_REVEALED"
effect {
match open_chest(k, player[addr].locked_raffle_key, opt_get(chest_time)) with
| left (unlocked) ->
match unpack<nat>(unlocked) with
| some(partial_key) ->
raffle_key += partial_key;
player[addr].revealed := true
| none -> player.remove(addr)
| right(open_error) ->
if open_error then fail("INVALID_CHEST_KEY")
else player.remove(addr)
transfer (opt_get(reveal_fee) * ticket_price) to caller;

Note that the player addr may be removed in 2 situations:

  1. the chest key opens the chest but is unable to decypher the content; this is the case if for example the chest was not generated with the correct chest time value
  2. the chest is decyphered properly, but it does not contain an integer value

Note at last that in all cases, the caller is rewarded for the chest key when it is valid.


When all players have been revealed, anyone can call the transfer entrypoint to transfer the jackpot to the the winning ticket. It transitions to Transferred state:

transition %transfer() {
require {
r8: = player.count() otherwise "EXISTS_NOT_REVEALED"
from Initialised to Transferred
with effect {
transfer balance to player.nth(raffle_key % player.count());