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This generic-purpose multi-signature contract is used to execute operations (transfer, contract entrypoints) that have been approved by a required number of managers.

The process is three steps:

  • propose : a manager proposes a list of operations to execute
  • approve : managers may approve the proposal
  • execute : operations may be executed (by anyone) when the required number of approvals has been reached

The source code and unitary tests are available in this repository.


A proposal is made of a list of operations materialised as a lambda value of type lambda unit (list operation), that is a function with no argument that returns a list of operations.

A lambda value is an anonymous function that can be stored, passed as an argument to a function or an entry point, and executed programmatically.

Passing a lambda value rather than a list of operations is necessary because, in Michleson, there is no literal for operations (for security reason); operations are only obtained with the transfer instruction.

A proposal also has a validity duration; it cannot be executed beyond the expiration date, which is the date of proposal plus the validity duration.

Calling one entrypoint

The lambda value that returns the list of one operation which calls an entrypoint of a contract is presented here:

DROP; # drops the Unit argument
NIL operation; # stacks the empty operation list
PUSH address "${contract_address}"; # stacks the contract address
CONTRACT %${entrypoint_name} ${type}; # creates an option of contract's entrypoint (from address)
IF_NONE # if contract address or entry not found
{ PUSH string "EntryNotFound"; # stacks error message
FAILWITH } # fails
{ };
PUSH mutez 0; # stacks number of tez to send contract
PUSH ${type} ${value}; # stacks entrypoint argument
TRANSFER_TOKENS; # generates operation
CONS; # adds it to the empty operation list


  • contract_address is the address of the contract to call
  • entrypoint_name is the name of the entrypoint to execute
  • type is the type of the argument
  • value is the value to pass to the entrypoint

NB : these values must be set in the lambda value.

Michelson types and values

The table below presents the Michelson syntax for the main types and corresponding value examples to pass to the entrypoint, as well as the Archetype types:

Archetype typeMichelson typeMichelson value example
boolboolTrue, False
stringstring"Hello multisig"
option<TYPE>option TYPEexample of option nat: None, Some 42
list<TYPE>list TYPEexample of list nat: { 42; 5567; 756786 }
(TYPE1 * TYPE2)pair TYPE1 TYPE2example of pair nat string: Pair 45 "Hello"

State Machine

The contract has 3 states :

StartingInitial state. The declared owner sets the parameters of the contract (add/remove manager, number of required approval, ...). No proposal can be submitted.
RunningContract ownership is transferred to the contract itself (owner = selfaddress). The Propose/approve/execute process is operational.
PausedNo proposal can be submitted.

Note that in Running state, the owner of the contract is the contract itself. This implies that changes in the contract parameters must follow the propose/approve/execute process (including pausing the contract).


The table below presents the entrypoints to go from one state to another


Note that the unpause mechanism uses its own approval mechanism: the required number of manager needs to call entrypoint approve_unpause for the unpause entrypoint to be executable.

Number of required managers

The best practice to setup the multisig process is that the maximum value for the required data (number of required managers to execute the operations) is the number of registered managers minus 1.

This rule is coded in the contract in the execution condition r7 of the require entrypoint:

entry %require(new_required : nat) {
called by owner
state is Running
require {
r7 : 0 < new_required < manager.count()
effect {
required := new_required

This is for security reason: if one of the manager's private key is compromised, it is necessary to have one extra manager to vote for the removal of the compromised manager.

The extra manager may typically be the initial owner of the contract.


The contract provides with (one step) feeless process for proposal and approval, respectively with the entrypoints propose_feeless and approve_feeless.

The feeless approach splits the process in two:

  • the manager signs the required data to propose or approve
  • an "injector" can then call the feeless entries with the signed data

The benefit is that managers do not pay the blockchain fee. Hence managers are not required to have tez, nor to have a revealed address on the blockchain; they are just required to be able to sign with a wallet.

The injector is the one paying the fee to the blockchain. It is typically a backend process.

Data to sign

The table below presents the data to sign for each feeless entrypoint:

EntrypointMichelson data typeMichelson value
propose_feelesspair address (pair nat (pair string (pair (lambda unit (list operation)) nat)))Tuple of:
  • manager address (public key hash)
  • manager counter
  • "propose"
  • lambda value
  • validity duration (before expiration)
approve_feelesspair address (pair nat (pair string nat))Tuple of:
  • manager address (public key hash)
  • manager counter
  • "approve"
  • validity duration (before expiration)

Each manager is associated to a counter that is incremented by the contract each time a feeless entry is called. This is a security feature to prevent from replay attack (so that one cannot use the signed data twice).


ElementMichelson typeDesc.
owneraddressContract's owner address.
requirednatMinimum number of approvals to execute operations.
min_durationnatMinimum validity duration of a proposal.
max_durationnatMaximum validity duration of a proposal.
id_countnatId of next proposal.
managermap address natMap of managers; a manager is associated to a counter (security data for feeless process).
proposalmap nat (pair nat (pair (set address) (lambda Unit (list operation))))Map of proposals; a proposal is associated to:
  • expiration date
  • set of approvers
  • list of operations (as a lambda)
owner_candidateoption addressOptional address of owner candidate.
approve_unpause_setset addressSet of addresses that approve unpausing the contract.
  • O : Starting
  • 1 : Running
  • 2 : Paused


EntrypointCalled byArgument Michelson typeArgumentDesc.
declare_ownershipOwneraddressCandidate address for new owner.
accept_ownershipOwner candidateaddressOwner is now caller.
set_metadata_uriOwnerbytesmetadataSee TZIP-16.
controlOwnerpair address bool
  • manager address
  • True to add, False to remove
runOwnerTransfers ownership to contract and set state to Running
requireOwnernatnew required value
set_durationOwnerpair nat nat
  • minimum validity duration
  • maximum validity duration
proposeManagerpair (lambda Unit (list operation)) (pair nat bool))
  • lambda value for operations
  • validity duration
  • approved by calling manager
approveManagernatproposal id
executeanynatproposal id
propose_feelessManagerpair (lambda Unit (list operation)) (pair nat (pair bool (pair signature key))))
  • lambda value for operations
  • validity duration
  • approved by calling manager
  • data signed by manager
  • manager's public key
approve_feelessManagerpair nat (pair signature key)
  • proposal id
  • data signed by manager
  • manager's public key
get_manager_counteranyaddressmanager addressview (TZIP4) to get the counter of a manager
get_approvalsanynatproposal idview (TZIP4) to get the set of managers that approved the proposal

Example usage scenario

The Usage scenario presented here has an owner and three managers:

  • Contract is deployed with parameters:
    • owner: (an address)
    • required: 1
    • min_duration: 3600 (one hour)
    • max_duration: 15552000 (180 days)
  • Owner calls control to add manager 1
  • Owner calls control to add manager 2
  • Owner calls control to add manager 3
  • Owner calls require to set required number of approvals to 2
  • Owner calls run; it transfers the contract ownership to managers and sets the contract state to Running
  • Manager 1 calls propose to propose an action (for example call another contract)
  • Manager 2 calls approve to approve it (with proposal id 0)
  • Manager 3 calls approve to approve it (with proposal id 0)
  • Owner calls execute with proposal id 0 to execute the proposed action
  • Manager 2 calls propose to pause the contract
  • Manager 1 calls approve (with proposal id 1)
  • Owner calls execute with proposal id 1; as a result contract is paused
  • Manager 3 calls approve_unpause
  • Manager 2 calls approve_unpause
  • Owner calls unpause
  • ...


* Generic multisig contract
archetype multisig(
owner : address,
required : nat,
max_duration : duration,
min_duration : duration

// Errors

constant NOT_APPROVED : string = "NOT_APPROVED"

// Assets

variable id_count : nat = 0
asset manager {
addr : address;
counter : nat = 0 // protects from double-spending attack

asset pending to big_map {
id : nat;
expiration : date;
approvals : set<address>;
actions : lambda<unit, list<operation>>;

// States

states =
| Starting initial
| Running
| Paused

// Owner role transfer

variable owner_candidate : option<address> = none

entry declare_ownership(candidate : address) {
called by owner
effect {
owner_candidate := some(candidate);

entry claim_ownership() {
called by opt_get(owner_candidate)
effect {
owner := opt_get(owner_candidate);
owner_candidate := none

// Metadata

entry set_metadata_uri(idata : bytes) {
called by owner
effect {
metadata := put(metadata, "", idata)

// Contract execution pause/resume

transition pause() {
called by owner
from Running to Paused

variable approve_unpause_set : set<address> = []

entry approve_unpause () {
called by manager
state is Paused
effect {

transition unpause() {
from Paused to Running
when { approve_unpause_set.length() >= required }
with effect {
approve_unpause_set := []

// Control entry to add / remove a manager
// May be called in Starting or Running states

entry control(maddr : address, allowed : bool) {
called by owner
//state is Starting or Running
require {
r4 : allowed <> manager.contains(maddr);
effect {
if allowed then
manager.add({ addr = maddr })

// Transition to Running state
// owner becomes selfaddress

transition run() {
called by owner
require {
r0 : manager.count() > required
from Starting to Running
with effect {
owner := selfaddress

// Set parameters in Running state

entry %require(new_required : nat) {
called by owner
state is Running
require {
r7 : 0 < new_required < manager.count()
effect {
required := new_required

entry set_duration(min : duration, max : duration) {
called by owner
state is Running
effect {
min_duration := min;
max_duration := max;

// propose, approve, execute

entry propose(
actions_to_exec : lambda<unit, list<operation>>,
validity : duration,
approved_by_caller : bool) {
called by manager
state is Running
require {
r3 : min_duration <= validity <= max_duration otherwise WRONG_DURATION
effect {
var init_approvals : set<address> = [];
if approved_by_caller then
(now + validity);
id_count += 1;

entry approve(proposal_id : nat) {
called by manager
state is Running
effect {
if pending[proposal_id].expiration < now then

entry execute(proposal_id : nat) {
state is Running
require {
r1 : pending[proposal_id].expiration >= now otherwise EXPIRED_PROPOSAL;
r2 : length(pending[proposal_id].approvals) >= required otherwise NOT_APPROVED
effect {
operations := exec_lambda(pending[proposal_id].actions, Unit);

// Fee-less process

entry propose_feeless(
actions_to_exec : lambda<unit, list<operation>>,
validity : duration,
approved_by_caller : bool,
manager_key : key,
sig : signature) {
state is Running
require {
r8 : min_duration <= validity <= max_duration otherwise WRONG_DURATION
effect {
var pkh = key_address(manager_key);
dorequire(check_signature(manager_key, sig, pack((pkh, manager[pkh].counter, "propose", actions_to_exec, expiration_duration))), INVALID_SIGNATURE);
var init_approvals : set<address> = [];
if approved_by_caller then
(now + validity);
id_count += 1;

entry approve_feeless(proposal_id : nat, manager_key : key, sig : signature) {
state is Running
effect {
var pkh = key_address(manager_key);
dorequire(check_signature(manager_key, sig, pack((pkh, manager[pkh].counter, "approve", proposal_id))), INVALID_SIGNATURE);
manager[pkh].counter += 1;
if pending[proposal_id].expiration < now then

// Getters (aka TZIP4 view)

getter get_manager_counter(pkh : address) : nat {
return (if manager.contains(pkh) then manager[pkh].counter else 0)

getter get_approvals(proposal_id : nat) : set<address> {
var empty : set<address> = [];
return (if pending.contains(proposal_id) then pending[proposal_id].approvals else empty)