Display contract data
The goal is to display some data retrieved from the ownership contract storage.
Set contract address
It is required to set the ownership contract address in ~/src/settings.js
To display the contract address, run the command:
completium-cli show contract ownership
Copy-paste the contract address line 9 of ~/src/settings.js
, like for example:
const [settings,setState] = useState({
network : 'ghostnet',
endpoint : 'https://ghostnet.ecadinfra.com',
contract : 'KT1BAVw4WhU7BAs2jiakDv4VrR9CNzQK32rd',
show : false,
React pattern
This section is for information only, no action is required.
We want to display the data assetid
, owner
and status
from the deployed contract.
Reading contract data is done asynchronously with RPC calls to the blockchain. The following code is a standard React pattern to load remote data, and refresh component when data is received.
It defines a component named OwnershipData
whose role is to retrieve and display contract data:
const OwnershipData = (props) => {
const { settings } = useSettingsContext();
const [{ assetid, owner, forsale }, setData] = React.useState(() => ({
assetid : "",
owner : "",
forsale : "",
const loadStorage = React.useCallback(async () => {
/* Retrieve data and store them with setData(...) */
}, [assetid, owner, forsale]);
if (assetid === "") loadStorage();
return (
/* Render Component */
The function loadstorage
is called when assetid
is not yet initialized. When it returns, the call to setData
triggers the refresh of the component with loaded data.
This section is for information only, no action is required.
The Taquito library provides easy integration of blockchain features in javascript applications. It is pre-installed in the Gitpod environment.
The following code shows how to retrieve data from the contract when in an asynchronous function. This code is to be inserted in the function passed to useCallback
const tezos = new TezosToolkit(settings.endpoint);
const contract = await tezos.contract.at(settings.contract);
const storage = await contract.storage();
assetid : storage.assetid,
owner : storage.owner,
forsale : storage._state.toNumber() > 0 ? "For Sale" : "Not For Sale",
The endpoint
constant is the endpoint URL to the Tezos test network.
The contractAddress
constant is the address of the conctract that has been deployed in previous step.
Storage display code
The code below synthesizes the sections above.
Replace in ~/src/App.js
the comment:
/* FIXME: Step 3.1 */
with the code below (click 'copy' in the upper-right-hand corner):
const Cell = (props) => {
return (<Grid item xs={6}><Typography align="left" variant="subtitle2"
style={ props.data ? { fontFamily: courier } : { } }> { props.val }
const OwnershipData = (props) => {
const { settings } = useSettingsContext();
const [{ assetid, owner, forsale }, setData] = useState(() => ({
assetid : "",
owner : "",
forsale : "",
const loadStorage = React.useCallback(async () => {
const tezos = new TezosToolkit(settings.endpoint);
const contract = await tezos.contract.at(settings.contract);
const storage = await contract.storage();
assetid : storage.assetid,
owner : storage.owner,
forsale : storage._state.toNumber() > 0 ? "For Sale" : "Not For Sale",
}, [assetid, owner, forsale]);
if (assetid === "") loadStorage();
return (
<Container maxWidth='xs'>
<Grid container direction="row" alignItems="center" spacing={1}>
<Cell val="Asset Id"/><Cell val={ assetid.substring(0, 20) + "..." } data/>
<Cell val="Owner" /><Cell val={ owner.substring(0, 20) + "..." } data/>
<Cell val="Status" /><Cell val={ forsale }/>
Now replace in ~/src/App.js
the code between the comments:
{ /* FIXME: Step 3.2 Start --*/ }
{ /* FIXME: Step 3.2 End --*/ }
with the code below (click 'copy' in the upper-right-hand corner):
<Grid item xs={12}>
<OwnershipData />
The result should look something like:

Note that the interface is launched in the right-hand panel. It is automatically recompiled and updated when a source file is saved (no need to launch anything).
This section is for information only, no action is required.
This section presents the code of ~/src/App.js
at the end of this step:
import './App.css';
import React from 'react';
import useMediaQuery from '@material-ui/core/useMediaQuery';
import { createMuiTheme, ThemeProvider } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
import CssBaseline from '@material-ui/core/CssBaseline';
import Container from '@material-ui/core/Container';
import Typography from '@material-ui/core/Typography';
import Link from '@material-ui/core/Link';
import Grid from '@material-ui/core/Grid';
import { DAppProvider } from './dappstate';
import { SnackProvider } from './snackstate';
import { appName, alegreya } from './settings';
import Snack from './components/Snack';
import WalletButton from './components/WalletButton';
import { TezosToolkit } from '@taquito/taquito';
import { endpoint, contractAddress, courier } from './settings.js';
import { useState } from 'react';
import Button from '@material-ui/core/Button';
import { useTezos, useAccountPkh } from './dappstate';
import { useSnackContext } from './snackstate';
import { UnitValue } from '@taquito/taquito';
const Cell = (props) => {
return (<Grid item xs={6}><Typography align="left" variant="subtitle2"
style={ props.data ? { fontFamily: courier } : { } }> { props.val }
const OwnershipData = (props) => {
const { settings } = useSettingsContext();
const [{ assetid, owner, forsale }, setData] = useState(() => ({
assetid : "",
owner : "",
forsale : "",
const loadStorage = React.useCallback(async () => {
const tezos = new TezosToolkit(settings.endpoint);
const contract = await tezos.contract.at(settings.contract);
const storage = await contract.storage();
assetid : storage.assetid,
owner : storage.owner,
forsale : storage._state.toNumber() > 0 ? "For Sale" : "Not For Sale",
}, [assetid, owner, forsale]);
if (assetid === "") loadStorage();
return (
<Container maxWidth='xs'>
<Grid container direction="row" alignItems="center" spacing={1}>
<Cell val="Asset Id"/><Cell val={ assetid.substring(0, 20) + "..." } data/>
<Cell val="Owner" /><Cell val={ owner.substring(0, 20) + "..." } data/>
<Cell val="Status" /><Cell val={ forsale }/>
/* FIXME: step 4.1 */
/* FIXME: Step 6.1 */
function App() {
const prefersDarkMode = useMediaQuery('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)');
const theme = React.useMemo(
() =>
palette: {
type: prefersDarkMode ? 'dark' : 'light',
return (
<DAppProvider appName={ appName }>
<ThemeProvider theme={ theme }>
<CssBaseline />
<div className="App">
<Container style={{ marginTop: 50 }}>
<Grid container spacing={3}>
<Grid item xs={12}>
<OwnershipData />
{ /* FIXME: Step 4.2 */ }
{ /* FIXME: Step 6.2 */ }
{ /* FIXME: Step 4.3 */ }
<Snack />
export default App;