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Contract Origination

The smart contract is written in Archetype language. Go to the Smart contract section for a detailed presentation.

In VSCode, open the terminal and enter the following command line to originate (deploy) the smart contract is:

completium-cli deploy ./contract/switch.arl --named iot

The originate command triggers two operations:

  • the contract compilation to Michelson with archetype compiler
  • the Michelson contract origination with Tezos client

The contract may then be referred to as iot in future interactions.

If you are using the preset Gitpod environement, note that completium-cli is pre-installed with the admin account. See this section for more information.

The address of the newly originated contract is visible with this command:

completium-cli show contract iot

A smart contract address starts with KT1. In the situation above, the new contract's address is KT19ZQUnVrDT5xnfvPqYhn1DeM489875oWGU.

You may got to Better call dev contract explorer to check it:

The new contract address needs to be set in the DApp's src/settings.js file, like for example:

export const contractAddress = "KT19ZQUnVrDT5xnfvPqYhn1DeM489875oWGU"