The packages listed below are used to build the DApps:
Package | Description | Version |
@material-ui/core | React components for faster and simpler web development. Build your own design system, or start with Material Design. | 4.11.0 |
@material-ui/icons | This package provides the Google Material icons packaged as a set of React components. | 4.9.1 |
@material-ui/lab | This package hosts the incubator components that are not yet ready to move to core. | 4.0.0-alpha.56 |
@thanos-wallet/dapp | This module is required to provide communication between DApps and Thanos Wallet, it exposes unified interface for this interaction. | 2.2.1 |
constate | Write local state using React Hooks and lift it up to React Context only when needed with minimum effort. | 3.1.0 |