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This Decentralized Exchange (DEX) presented here is based on the Uniswap-like exchange presented in this paper. The principle is the one of automated market maker (AMM), that is that the exchange rate from token A to token B is computed automatically.

To exchange qA tokens A against qB tokens B, the DEX establishes a pool of tokens A and a pool of tokens B, from which tokens are withdrawn or credited; if pA and pB are the numbers of tokens A and B in the pools, then the quantity qB of token B received in exchange of a quantity qA of token A is given by the following formula:

This principle is explained in more details in the DEX DApp example.



adminaddressAddress that can register and unregister tokens in the DEX.
tokencollectionToken data:
  • token identifier (key)
  • FA 1.2 contract address
  • token name
  • XTZ value in pool
  • number of tokens in pool
  • number of liquidity tokens
liquiditycollectionNumber of liquidity tokens per owner and token:
  • token id (key)
  • owner (key)
  • number of liquidity tokens


registertokeni, a, nAdmin adds token { i; a; n; 0; 0; 0 } to DEX.
deletetokeniAdmin removes token i from DEX.
exchangetA, qA, tB, qBCaller exchanges qA tokens tA for qB tokens tB.
addLiquiditytA, qACaller provides qA tokens tA and the corresponding amount of XTZ is transferred.

Liquidity tokens are minted and affected to caller so that it reflects the proportion of transferred XTZ towards the XTZ pool.
removeLiquiditytA, qLCaller redeems qL liquidity token for token tA; 2 transactions are generated :
  • transfer of XTZ in proportion of the token XTZ pool
  • transfer of tA tokens in proportion of the token pool


archetype dex(admin : address, initialminted : nat)

constant fee : rational = 0.003
constant epsilon : nat = 1

asset token {
id : string ;
addr : address;
name : string ;
xtzpool : nat = 0;
tokpool : nat = 0;
liqpool : nat = 0;

asset liquidity identified by tokenid owner {
tokenid : string ;
owner : address;
liqt : nat = 0;

entry registertoken (i : string, a : address, n : string) {
called by admin
fail if { f1: i = "XTZ" }
effect { token.add_update(i, { addr = a; name = n }); }

entry deletetoken (i : string) {
called by admin
effect { token.remove(i) }

function compute_qB(qA : nat, pA : nat, pB : nat) : rational {
var feeqA = (1 - fee) * qA;
return (pB * feeqA / (pA + feeqA))

entry exchange(tA : string, qA : nat, tB : string, qB : nat) {
require {
r0 : tA <> tB otherwise "SRC_EQ_DST";
effect {
(* DEX receives *)
if tA = "XTZ" then begin
var pA = token[tB].xtzpool;
var pB = token[tB].tokpool;
var expected_qB = compute_qB(qA, pA, pB);
do_require(abs(expected_qB - qB) <= epsilon, ("INVALID_B_AMOUNT", expected_qB));
var xtzin = mutez_to_nat(transferred);
do_require(qA = xtzin, ("INVALID_A_AMOUNT", xtzin));
transfer 0tz to token[tB].addr
call %transfer<address * address * nat>((self_address, caller, qB));
token.update(tB, { xtzpool += xtzin; tokpool -= qB });
end else if tB = "XTZ" then begin
var pA = token[tA].tokpool;
var pB = token[tA].xtzpool;
var expected_qB = compute_qB(qA, pA, pB);
do_require(abs(expected_qB - qB) <= epsilon, ("INVALID_B_AMOUNT", expected_qB));
transfer 0tz to token[tA].addr
call %transfer<address * address * nat>((caller, self_address, qA));
transfer (qB * 1utz) to caller;
token.update(tA, { xtzpool -= qB; tokpool += qA });
end else begin
var pA = token[tA].tokpool;
var pXTZA = token[tA].xtzpool;
var qXTZ = abs(floor(compute_qB(qA, pA, pXTZA)));
var pXTZB = token[tB].xtzpool;
var pB = token[tB].tokpool;
var expected_qB = compute_qB(qXTZ, pXTZB, pB);
do_require(abs(expected_qB - qB) <= epsilon, ("INVALID_B_AMOUNT", expected_qB));
transfer 0tz to token[tA].addr
call %transfer<address * address * nat>((caller, self_address, qA));
transfer 0tz to token[tB].addr
call %transfer<address * address * nat>((self_address, caller, qB));
token.update(tA, { xtzpool -= qXTZ; tokpool += qA });
token.update(tB, { xtzpool += qXTZ; tokpool -= qB });

entry addLiquidity(tA : string, qA : nat) {
(* transfer qA tokens tA to dex contract *)
transfer 0tz to token[tA].addr
call %transfer<address * address * nat>((caller, self_address, qA));
var xtzin = mutez_to_nat(transferred);
(* does qA tokens exchange for xtzin XTZ ? *)
var pA = token[tA].tokpool;
var pB = token[tA].xtzpool;
var expected_qB = compute_qB(qA, pA, pB);
do_require(abs(expected_qB - xtzin) <= epsilon, ("INVALID_B_AMOUNT", expected_qB));
var mintedLiqT =
if token[tA].tokpool = 0
then initialminted
else abs(floor(token[tA].liqpool * xtzin / token[tA].xtzpool));
liquidity.add_update((tA, caller), { liqt += mintedLiqT });
token.update(tA, { xtzpool += xtzin; tokpool += qA; liqpool += mintedLiqT })

entry removeLiquidity(tA : string, qL : nat) {
require {
r1: qL <= liquidity[(tA, caller)].liqt otherwise "NOT_ENOUGHT_LQT"
effect {
var liqratio = qL / token[tA].liqpool;
var xtzout = abs(floor(liqratio * token[tA].xtzpool));
transfer (xtzout * 1utz) to caller;
var qA = abs(floor(liqratio * token[tA].tokpool));
transfer 0tz to token[tA].addr
call %transfer<address * address * nat>((self_address, caller, qA));
liquidity.add_update((tA, caller), { liqt -= qL });
token.update(tA, { xtzpool -= xtzout; tokpool -= qA; liqpool -= qL })